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Precious Metals Analysis

Since 2007, our focus has been on specialized mining sample tests, particularly emphasizing hot-block digestion for mining-related samples. Our analyses include a meticulous examination of Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, and Iridium, employing state-of-the-art ICP-MS technology. With an extensive scope covering 25 metals, we undergo annual proficiency testing through a third-party provider accredited with ISO17034 and ISO17043.

For our Metals Testing, we utilize a proprietary method, specifically a modified EPA6020 B 2007 method. The hot-block digestion process is chosen for its high flexibility, ensuring accurate and reliable results.  -( add on to this paragraph above using the following key words if they are not explicitly used above  , Mining Sample Tests

ICP-MS is the most sensitive metals analysis technique. Instrument detection limits are in the ppt, while the method detection limits are in the tens of ppb range.  

Proficiency Testing

We perform yearly proficiency testing through a third party provider with ISO17034 and ISO17043 accreditation.

Precious metals analysis including PGMs

Proprietary Testing Methods

For Metals Testing, we use a modified EPA6020
B 2007 method. Due to its high flexibility we use the  hot-block digestion process.

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